COROBIT-ARP is a water-soluble alkaline powder widely used for short term protection of mild steel and cast iron parts after cleaning them with any degreasing agents or pickling acids. It is added to water in low concentrations to prevent flash rusting of parts after derusting, acid pickling and also water quenching during heat treatment.
Use after Acid Pickling:
The acid pickled parts after water rinsing are dipped in a 2 to 3% solution of COROBIT-ARP (2 to 3 kg. COROBIT-ARP is added to 1oo litres water) in a M.S. tank for 2-3 minutes either at room temperature or upto 60°C for better results.
Air testing in water:
COROBIT-ARP is added to water at a concentration of 2% (i.e. 2 kgs in 100 litres water). After testing, the parts are taken out and dried.
COROBIT-ARP is added at concentration 2%. After testing, parts should be dried. Water can be re-used for further testing.
Use with cutting oil:
During various machining operations such as drilling, cutting, reaming, turning, etc. cutting oils or coolants are used. COROBIT-ARP can be added to these at a concentration of 1-2% to protect parts for few weeks and also increase the life of machines.